
2024年10月16-18日, 北京全国农业展览馆11号馆(新馆)


Jon Danks, Former CEO of ATTA will Present “Investment Connections with Africa” at COTTM Investment Forum on 17th Oct, Beijing


The COTTM show organiser recently announced that 2024 China Outbound Travel & Tourism Market (COTTM) launches “Outbound Tourism Investment and Development Forum”.  

The COTTM-Outbound Tourism Investment & Development Forum, taking place on 17th Oct in Beijing along with the COTTM show, will provide a business platform for global tourism destination, in particular for “the Belt and Road”, project owners/stakeholders, to showcase their projects in China to connect with Chinese investors, to help upgrade their infrastructure, facilities and operational systems.  The Forum also provides opportunities to meet with tourism investment management, hotel investors, brand management organisations, tour operators, infrastructure providers, tourism and amusement facilities and operational system providers etc. 

The COTTM show organiser is very delighted to invite Jon Danks, Former CEO of The African Travel and Tourism Association (ATTA) to speak at the Forum, with a topic of “Investment Connections with Africa”.

Jon Danks has worked and travelled the continent of Africa for over 30 years.  He has held senior leadership positions with a number of the world’s most influential brands in financial services, travel, tourism, aviation and hospitality.  He will share essential insight and opportunities from journeys across the continent of Africa.

The China Ministry of Commerce showed that China’s cumulative direct investment flow to Africa has exceeded 30 billion US dollars, making it the fourth largest source of investment in Africa. In 2022, China increased its direct investment in Africa by 3.4 billion US dollars. From January to April 2023, China’s new direct investment in Africa reached 1.38 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 24%.

It is predicted that in Africa, lodges and local characteristic accommodation, attractions theme/amusement parks, tourism equipment and high-tech amusement facility, catering and entertainment projects are looking for Chinese investors. 

COTTM-Outbound Tourism Investment & Development Forum is the chance for projector stakeholders to build relationships with Chinese investors and partners.

Please click here to get more information about the COTTM Investment Forum programme
