
Destinations of the World News于2006年6月创刊,是第一本独立报道全球旅游贸易的杂志。 杂志内容是特写与全球旅游贸易有关,增进见识和分析的故事。 每个月,DOTW News被直接分发给全世界70个国家的2万多名旅游业人士。 我们分散在全球范围的旅游贸易新闻记者为见识广博的读者群提供社论分析。
该杂志聚焦影响美洲、欧洲、欧亚大陆、非洲、中东、印度次大陆、东南亚和大洋洲旅游业务的旅游贸易的发展。 其目的在于以详细的统计数据、见识广博的意见和尖锐的谈话为支持,提供对于旅游贸易趋势的国际评论分析和见识。 网络电子版(www.dotwnews.com)发布关于旅游贸易的最新消息,以及印刷出版物中的特别报道和分析。 Dotwnews.com提供来自世界4000多个高端新闻来源、旅游出版物和商业资讯的实时新闻。
Travel And Tour World

Travel And Tour World是全球领先的B2B电子杂志和行业平台,聚集了来自全球195个国家的150多万旅游从业者,涵盖旅行社、航空公司、邮轮公司和酒店等领域。自2009年以来,Travel And Tour World与1200多家知名旅游展会建立了长达十年的媒体合作关系,是业内值得信赖的行业信息平台。
Travel And Tour World多元化的读者群体涵盖了从旅行社到MICE策划者等各个领域,能够提供量身定制的独家报道和见解,从而满足客户的特定需求。通过建立高效的联系,我们为全球旅游业的发展和成功做出了贡献,使我们成为业内不可或缺的宝贵资源。
Travel And Tour World stands as a premier B2B digital magazine and trade network, uniting over 1.5 million industry leaders across 195 countries in travel, tourism, airlines, cruise, and hospitality. Boasting a decade-long history of media partnerships with 1200+ prestigious travel shows since 2009, we are a trusted source for industry insights.
Our diverse readership, spanning tour operators to MICE planners, positions us uniquely to deliver exclusive coverage and insights tailored to their specific needs. Through fostering meaningful connections, we contribute to the growth and success of the global travel landscape, making us an invaluable resource in the industry.

《国际旅游作家联盟》(The International Travel Writers Alliance),以简单朴实的方式,为以撰写、编辑、播放或摄像为旅游目的的专业人士提供主要信息。
Travelzoo 旅游族

Travelzoo旅游族® 是一家全球性互联网媒体公司,在北美、欧洲、亚太区(包括中国)共拥有超过 2,900万会员,全球共 25 家办公室。Travelzoo旅游族® 拥有超过 2,000 个业内合作伙伴,涵盖境内外旅游及本地娱乐生活领域。Travelzoo旅游族®专业制作人通过人工搜索、测试,为会员推荐真实的、高性价比的旅游及生活优惠产品。
Travelzoo is a global media commerce company. With more than 29 million members in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific and 25 offices worldwide, Travelzoo® publishes offers from more than 2,000 travel, entertainment and local companies. Travelzoo’s deal experts review offers to find the best deals and confirm their true value.

ITM杂志定位于全球旅游产业,特别是中东地区以及伊斯兰国家。杂志每两个月发行一次,每刊发行量为10000份。 ITM杂志由专门人员直接发送到遍布世界20多个国家的旅游产业以及旅游展会的VIP 贵宾手中。

Travel2Latam.com is an online publication that provides daily news for travel professionals. It is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese, and is divided into 3 independent platforms.
The content we provide includes trends, destination information and supplier news.

Inventme是运营在线网络的市场数据调查公司,通过它能了解旅游业在全球的发展情况,并为您提供众多不同种类的供应商的咨询。 我们的网站拥有大量数据搜索和信息咨询,能为您架构起新的联络网,带领您进入更专业的行业市场。
Tourism Insider

Tourism Insider 是一家领先的在线杂志,涵盖全球旅游业,提供有关旅游业趋势、活动和发展的全面见解,包括公私合作伙伴关系、 MICE(会议、奖励、大会、展览)部门和可持续旅游实践,为寻求了解行业进步和网络机会的专业人士提供宝贵的资源。
Tourism-Insider is a premier online magazine covering the global tourism industry. It provides comprehensive insights on trends, events, and developments in tourism, including public-private partnerships, the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions) sector, and sustainable tourism practices. The platform offers a valuable resource for professionals seeking to stay informed about industry advancements and networking opportunities.
世界游网World Travel Online

世界游网,是中国最大最专业的出境旅游门户网站,中英文并行,中文 http://Lvyou168.cn, 英文www.Travel168.net”世界游网”开创了一个集出境旅游资讯、网络互动平台(B2C)、电子商务平台(B2B)为一体的专业出境旅游网站,并引领出境游行业, 为旅业人士和旅游者提供即时、精确、全面的出境旅游资讯。许多境外国家及地区旅游推广机构和旅游运营商, 都指定”世界游网”作为在中国进行旅游推广的平台和获得业务合作的桥梁。”世界游网”被国内媒体、旅业人士和旅游者评为”中国最佳出境旅游网站”,也在世界上荣获”CTW金奖”。
Travel And Tour World

Travel And Tour World, is one and only digital B2B travel-trade magazine and news portal dedicated to travel, tourism, airlines, cruise, technology and the hospitality industry. TTW proudly promotes more than 120 international travel trade events as a media partner including WTM events, ITB Berlin & Asia, IMEX America & Frankfurt, AIME, ATM, TIS, IT&CM Asia and many more. Engaging more than 5, 00,000 readers along with easy accessibility from iOS and Android devices, we offer cost-effective advertising options for global branding.