“COTTM Online 助力全球旅游目的地机构与中国旅游业界进行在线沟通”
“COTTM Online: Staying Connected to the Chinese Travel Trade”
本次网络研讨会将向您详细介绍 COTTM Online 以及其运营模式,解读为何在线展会平台对中国出境旅游业的复苏如此重要,并解答您关于加入 COTTM Online 的任何疑问。
This free webinar will introduce you to the COTTM Online platform and how it works. Find out why digital connections are so important for the recovery of Chinese outbound travel, and answer any questions you have about how to join COTTM Online.
会议日期:4月28日 周二
Date: Tuesday 28th April
会议时间:上午9:00(伦敦时间)/ 下午4:00(北京时间)
Time: 9:00 AM UK / 4:00 PM China
Language: English

Press and hold QR code to register for the Webinar
COTTM Online 在线出境游B2B专业展会助您与中国买家进行在线预约洽谈。
COTTM Online is a virtual B2B Tradeshow for the China outbound travel industry.
目的地机构可通过 COTTM Online 进行网络研讨会在线直播,向中国出境旅游服务采购决策者/业者介绍其旅游目的地资源、产品和服务等,并进行点对点的沟通。
COTTM Online will allow you to exhibit and share information about your destination or travel product, meet with Chinese buyers and travel agents, and present via live webinar sessions.
COTTM Online 可帮助目的地机构以另一种便捷、高效和可持续性的模式与中国出境旅游业者开展业务。
This is an easy to use, cost-effective and sustainable way to continue to do business with the Chinese travel trade.
预订 COTTM Online 展位,请联系我们
To book space at COTTM Online, please contact:
联系人 Contact us:Sarah Hu
电话 Tel:+86 21 6439 6310
邮箱 Email:shu@tarsus.co.uk