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卢旺达NYUNGWE TOP VIEW酒店毗邻纽恩威国家公园项目


公司简介Company Introduction:

Nyungwe Top View Hill Hotel位于卢旺达西部省,自2011年起开始营业。该酒店地理位置优越,景色无与伦比。向东可眺望纽恩威国家公园,酒店北边是基伍湖,西边是Kahuzi Biega国家公园,向南望去可看见纽恩威森林的树冠、缓坡、茶园以及梯田。酒店距离卡梅贝机场只有45分钟车程,该机场每天都提供卢旺达航空公司的航班。




  • NYUNGWE TOP VIEW HOTEL位于卢旺达西部省,享有优越的地理位置和无与伦比的景观。
  • 卢旺达的旅游业被定位于高端及可持续性,致力于满足全球旅游运营商的需求,并取得了长足的发展和显著的增长。
  • NYUNGWE TOP VIEW HOTEL为当地的建设和发展提供了许多机会。本酒店寻求中国合作伙伴合作,专注于为游客提供给更优质的旅行服务和体验。

Nyungwe Top View Hotel – Key Messages

  • Nyungwe Top View Hill Hotel enjoys a location and views without compare, located in the Western Province of Rwanda
  • Rwanda’s tourism industry has witnessed remarkable product development and growth, positioned as premium and sustainable, with strong global tour operator demand.
  • Nyungwe Top View Hotel offers an opportunity for capacity building and development, working alongside the sole proprietor, and one of Rwanda’s leading figures in the hospitality sector.


项目名称Project Name:卢旺达NYUNGWE TOP VIEW酒店毗邻纽恩威国家公园项目

卢旺达NYUNGWE TOP VIEW酒店毗邻纽恩威国家公园。该国家公园拥有众多的旅游景点。除了可观赏众多的自然景观与野生动物,包括黑猩猩、黑白疣猴和白眉猴等珍稀猴类,独特的植物群落以及濒危的鸟类等外,还有壮观的瀑布、新建的树冠步道也得到了当地茶业社区的支持。 这些都为未来可持续旅游的发展铺平了道路。

Located close to Nyungwe National Park with numerous tourism attractions including chimpanzees, black and white colobus and mangabey monkeys, unique plantlife, and endangered bird species.  Its waterfalls, and newly constructed canopy walk, with support and access to the local tea community, pave the way for future growth in sustainable, tourism.


项目地址Project Address:Nyungwe Forest, Bushekeri, Nyungwe, Rwanda

项目所属国家Country of the project:卢旺达Rwanda

项目所属城市City of the project:纽恩威Nyungwe


招募投资者类型Targeted Type of Investors:

近年来,卢旺达的旅游业被定位于高端及可持续性,取得了长足的发展和显著的增长。Nyungwe Top View Hotel的战略定位为其发展起着至关重要的作用,它为当地的建设和发展提供了许多机会,并致力于满足全球旅游运营商的需求。该酒店正在中国寻求合作伙伴,共同发展! 与卢旺达酒店业的领军人物之一——Nyungwe Top View Hotel合作,专注于为游客提供给更优质的旅行服务和体验。

Rwanda’s tourism industry has recenetly witnessed remarkable product development and growth, positioned as premium and sustainable.  Nyungwe Top View Hotel strategic position plays a vital role, with an opportunity for capacity building and development, aligned to the global tour operator demand, working alongside one of Rwanda’s leading figures in the hospitality sector, focused on visitor experiences and conservation.


项目介绍Project Profile:

酒店的主体建筑是一座传统建筑风格的双层圆形小屋,酒店内设有餐厅、酒吧和宽敞的阳台,可欣赏360度全景。 酒店有12座红砖小屋,排列成两排,每排6座,其中一排可欣赏日出,另一排可欣赏日落。 为配合周边的自然环境,每座独特的小屋都以其对应的景色命名,设有休息室、陶土砖地板、壁炉和阳台。

The main hotel is a traditionally built, two-tiered rondavel that hosts a dining area, bar and sweeping veranda, with 360 degree panoramic views.   The hotel has 12 red-brick cottages arranged into two rows of six, one row that benefits from sunrise, and the other sunset.  Built with the local environment in mind, each unique cottage is named after it’s corresponding view, enjoying a lounge, terracotta-tiled floors, a fireplace and balcony. 

  • 酒店毗邻纽恩威国家公园,可观赏众多野生动植物,包括黑猩猩、黑白疣猴和白眉猴等珍稀猴类,独特的植物群落以及濒危的鸟类等。
  • 纽恩威拥有壮观的瀑布,新建的树冠步道位于当地茶业社区内,为未来可持续旅游的发展铺平了道路。
  • 酒店地理位置优越,景色无与伦比。向东可眺望纽恩威国家公园,酒店北边是基伍湖,西边是Kahuzi Biega国家公园,向南望去可看见纽恩威森林的树冠、缓坡、茶园以及梯田。
  • 酒店自2011年起开始营业,专注于为游客提供优质的旅行服务和体验。酒店距离卡梅贝机场只有45分钟车程,该机场每天都提供卢旺达航空公司的航班。
  • 酒店的主体建筑是一座传统建筑风格的双层圆形小屋,酒店内设有餐厅、酒吧和宽敞的阳台,可欣赏360度全景。
  • 酒店有12座红砖小屋,排列成两排,每排6座,其中一排可欣赏日出,另一排可欣赏日落。为配合周边的自然环境,每座独特的小屋都以其对应的景色命名,设有休息室、陶土砖地板、壁炉和阳台。
  • NYUNGWE TOP VIEW HOTE是卢旺达酒店协会的成员。
  • The hotel is located close to Nyungwe National Park with numerous tourism attractions including chimpanzees, black and white colobus and mangabey monkeys, unique plant life, and endangered bird species.
  • Nyungwe has waterfalls, a newly constructed canopy walk, and lies within the local tea community, which paves the way for future growth in sustainable tourism.
  • Nyungwe Top View Hill Hotel enjoys views without compare, to the East Nyungwe National Park, northwards to Lake Kivu, west to Kahuzi Biega National Park, and south to the forest canopy, gentle hills, tea estate plantations and terraces.
  • The hotel has operated since 2011, focused on visitor experiences and conservation, located a short 45-minute drive from Kamembe Airport, served daily by Rwandair.
  • The main hotel is a traditionally built with the local environment in mind, a two-tiered rondavel, with a dining area, bar, sweeping veranda, and 360 degree panoramic views.
  • The hotel has 12 unique red-brick cottages arranged into two rows of six, one row that benefits from sunrise, and the other sunset, each is named after its corresponding view, enjoying a lounge, terracotta-tiled floors, a fireplace and balcony.
  • Nyungwe Top View Hill Hotel is a member of the Rwanda Hospitality Association.



